Filmmakers tour U.S. collecting Alzheimer's stories to help find a cure

PHOENIX (FOX 10) -- June is Alzheimer's Awareness Month and two Hollywood filmmakers are visiting cities across the country in the "My Alzheimer's Road Trip" project.

They are filming hundreds of people with family members who have Alzheimer's, sharing stories of how they are coping with the disease.

The video will be used by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania to help find a cure for Alzheimer's.

One of the people involved in the project is a familiar face: Rick D'Amico. The former FOX 10 anchor recently posted a blog about his wife Ruth having Alzheimer's disease. She was diagnosed in January 2016 and Rick retired in August of that year to focus on his family and being a full-time caregiver to his wife.

VIDEO: We caught up with Rick during FOX 10 Arizona Morning while he was at Banner Alzheimer's Institute in downtown Phoenix.