#GreenShirtGuy: Activist who laughed at Trump supporters during city council meeting goes viral

A Tucson activist originally from Glendale is going viral for his interaction with Trump supporters from the Valley during a Tucson City Council meeting Tuesday night.

That group disrupted the meeting where the council voted to put a sanctuary city measure on the ballot. Toward the end, the activist couldn't stop laughing. Now, "Green Shirt Guy" is all over the place.

"He was the number one trending item on Twitter this morning," said Alex Kack, in a phone interview. "It's been nuts."

Kack works as a stand up comic and an activist. Tuesday night, he just happened to be in Tucson to support the city's efforts to become a sanctuary city when a group started protesting behind him.

"The thing is that they were actually speaking out throughout, pretty much during the whole meeting at different times. Not super loudly like they were at the end, but they were making comments to themselves," said Kack.

He started laughing. and the group behind him was escorted out. He kept laughing, and since he had a green shirt on, the hashtag #greenshirtguy was born.

"Wearing the shirt right now, I figure I'm going to milk it for a week or so and then get back to my normal life," said Kack.

Kack is used to getting laughs for a living, so he finds it funny that it was his laughing that had the internet chuckling.

"It's definitely interesting," said Kack. "I'm just glad people are enjoying it, and I'm glad it's highlighting the sanctuary initiative and movement here in Tucson."

Kack has now gained more than 27,000 followers on Twitter.