APS linemen prepare for 'Lineman Rodeo' in Utah

The task at hand right now is shimmying up a power pole to rescue a 185-pound dummy.

It's supposed to represent a lineman in trouble and meant to mimic a crisis that APS occasionally sees, but today is about preparing for this weekend's "Lineman Rodeo" in Utah.

The "Hurt Man Climb" and "Speed Climber" are two of the main competitions.

"'Speed Climber,' you have to climb down a power pole with an egg in your mouth... as fast as you can," Scott Kahrs said.

The egg, Scott Kahrs with APS says, is to make sure every movement is smooth and important for safety, which is a big component in every exercise in the competition.

It's something APS linemen apply to the work they do every day.

"What we're going here is practicing, but it's kinda what we do at our job to get the lights back on, whether it's monsoons or we're just very busy," Kahrs said.

The linemen have no fear of heights and a goal of getting things done as quickly as they can, while also staying safe and beating the competition.

"I think the biggest thing that I've got out of it is pride," Kahrs said. "Pride and being proud of what you do."