Halloween Safety: Have serial street shooter fears subsided?

When the monsters are real and can really put someone in danger, it can put a damper on an event like Halloween that's meant to frighten you for fun.

"I heard the gunshots clear as a bell in here," said Lawrence Reiter, who lives a few houses away from where the shooter struck on June 12 near 63rd Avenue and McDowell Road. Police say the shooter fired shots into a parked car, killing all three people inside, including a child.

"A little girl like that.. that's stupid. Only 12 years old, that's a shame," said Reiter.

In all, nine shooting incidents have taken seven lives, mostly in the west valley.

"I don't think you're going to see a lot of people walking alone. I think you're going to see parents more involved this year. Kids aren't going to be walking alone anymore. There's fewer people roaming the streets now," said Joe Agnew, who lives in the neighborhood.

Just down the street, another neighbor, Philip Quintel, said,
"I think they're going to continue living their life and doing the things they want to do, especially on Halloween. That's for the kids, so parents will be a little more observant."

"In the beginning, they had signs to be careful of the serial shooter. After a week or two, they aren't on there anymore, police don't patrol as much as they were, you would happily take your child trick or treating. Yes, I would. It's like any other neighborhood, added Vincent Alvarado.

If you have any information about this case, call Silent Witness. You can remain anonymous and receive up to a $75,000 cash award for tips leading to an arrest or indictment.

The last serial street shooting incident was on July 11 in southeast Phoenix.


Online: www.silentwitness.org/crimeoftheweek.aspx?ID=18936