Humane Society gives update on animals rescued in raid

The Arizona Humane Society has provided new information on the Phoenix boarding facility that some say resembled a hoarding facility.

Police say many of the dogs were starving when they were rescued a week ago. The owners of Planet Petopia, meanwhile, are facing charges of neglect, failure to provide medical care, and hoarding.

Some of the animals are doing better today, and have gained back some of their weight. In all, the agency rescued a total of 217 animals from the facility, but FOX 10 Phoenix has learned that two more of them did not make it..

"Despite our best efforts and minute-to-minute trauma care, we did have two pass away," said Dr. Melissa Thompson, Lead Veterinarian at the Arizona Humane Society Trauma Hospital. "That was heartbreaking for the team, let me tell you. Since then, the animals have bounced back. Since then, animals have regained 20% of their body weight back."

The bust was the result of a week-long investigation.