Valley psychiatrist encourages people to talk about violence

It seems like we've been hit with several tragic stories recently. In Orlando 49 people were killed, 53 injured. Now the Dallas shooting of 12, killing 5. All of this violence is all over social media. So can watching something so traumatic as it happens be harmful?

Dr. Anna Shier, a Scottsdale Psychiatrist, says the constant exposure to horrible violence on social media can lead to feelings of hopelessness but also more complacency.

"I just worry that so much continual exposure is feeding on itself and that we are becoming so desensitized to it. That we are complacent that we expect it to happen," said Dr. Anna Shier.

The impact from watching someone die live on Facebook can also be overwhelmingly traumatic.

"To see this in front of you on your phone, hearing the screams and the cries, and all of the footage that goes along with it that we are not capable of really understanding and being able to absorb all the emotions that come with that," said Dr. Shier.

Dr. Shier says the best way to deal with it is to talk about it.

"I think it's very important for us to carve out a little time. It doesn't have to be a lot but enough as a family unit you can talk about it, even just for a few minutes again to give it that importance that it deserves, and to allow everybody to talk about what they are feeling," said Shier.

Dr. Shier says if your children happen to see a deadly shooting on their phone or computer, to not make up a story. Explain it in terms that they'll understand so they won't be afraid.