One-year-old Peoria infant recovering from botulism in Glendale hospital

A one-year-old boy is recovering at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center, after hospital officials said he contracted infant botulism over the weekend.

According to a statement released by Banner Thunderbird Medical Center, infant botulism cases are rare, but potentially life-threatening. The illness affects only one to two infants in the county annually.

It was one day before the infant's birthday when his parents noticed something was off. He stopped walking, and couldn't hold his head up.

"We knew something was off, maybe he fell, hurt himself," said Jackie Hansberger. "He couldn't hold his head up. He couldn't sit up. He was completely paralyzed."

Hansberger knew something was wrong right away, and took him to the hospital, where doctors quickly diagnosed him. The infant was given a dose of a rare medication to help shorten the duration of symptoms, but it could be weeks for his body will bounce back.

His mom said they've had to overcome some big hurtles including what happened yesterday

In the U.S., 110 botulism cases are diagnosed annually, and 72% of those cases affect infants, before their first birthday. Doctors said construction around the Peoria home where the infant lives may be to blame.

Meanwhile, Hansberger said her baby has had to overcome some big hurdles, including what happened on Tuesday.

"He coded," said Hansberger. "His pulse went to 20, and they had to resuscitate him."

"He's moving more," said Hansberger. "He's still on the ventilator. We were hoping to get him off, but with the scare yesterday, right now, he's sedated."

Hansberger hopes this serves as a warning to parents with infants to watch for any odd changes in a child's behavior, and trust your gut