Puente protesters target AZ Chamber of Commerce
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - Activists with Puente tried to protest at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce Meeting.
Building management blocked protesters who planned to speak up at the meeting.
"We don't know why the chamber is hiding or why the chamber doesn't want to speak to the people that they affected with a decision to support Doug Ducey with anti immigrant bills," said one activist
The group is upset over HB2451 which requires inmates in the country illegally to serve 85% of their prison sentences like U.S. citizen inmates. Currently some illegal immigrant inmates serve about 1/2 their sentence before being turned over to federal authorities.
"HB2451 was just the first of many bills that seek to expand prison population on the backs of immigrants," said another activist.
Inside the building management also blocked the media from going up to the meeting.
The Chamber of Commerce says they support the law and say it is a criminal justice issue, not an immigration issue. The chambers statement said in part "This bill treats people the same regardless of immigration status."
Police were called and the crowd cleared, but immigration activists say they plan to protest six more immigrant related bills headed to the Governor's desk.