Expert offers tips after recent freeway crashes in the Phoenix area

Over the past few months, there have been multiple fatal freeway crashes involving pedestrians.

Although the number of such incidents remains about the same on average, officials did say there have been more accidents that took place in a closer amount of time.

Expert offers tips

Jesse Torrez with the Governor's Office of Highway Safety has some tips for people.

What they're saying:

"If you are going to exit your vehicle, make sure that if the car is not far off to the right, then you are as far off to the shoulder of the roadway, and not anywhere close to the lanes of travel," said Torrez.

Torrez also has advice for people who were involved in an accident. He said people should stay in their car, as getting out could be a matter of life and death.

"At 58 miles per hour, you have a 90% risk of death if you're hit by an automobile," said Torrez. "We all know that cars here on our freeways travel greater than the average speed, travel greater than 58 mph, so you're going to increase that to 100% if you're struck."

The best piece of advice: stay in your car, call 911, and wait for help to arrive 

Torrez also has tips for when you see a car broken down: give them as much room as possible, and slow down.

"If you're seatbelted in, you're going to sustain an impact, you're going to live through that impact," said Torrez. "You may get injured, but it certainely isn't going to get nowhere close to what you would if you weren't inside that vehicle."

Torrez's overall message is to stay aware, as speed and congestion play a major role in accidents.

Also, keeping the phone down and eyes on the road is of the utmost importance to get from Point A to Point B safely.

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