Free reassurance calls make a difference for the homebound
TAMPA, Fla. - Some days, it can seem like our phones never stop ringing. Some, however, don't have anyone to talk to.
This is the case for many homebound, elderly, and disabled people who live alone. Fortunately, there are telephone reassurance, or Eldernet, operators-- like Phyllis Roth.
She checks in on those with no friends, family, or support system in place. Sometimes, it's to check in on their health and wellness. Other times, it's just a friendly hello.
Phyllis has been volunteering at the Tampa Crisis Center for 5 years, where she makes hundreds of calls a day. That's hundreds of people who might not speak to anyone if it weren't for her.
"They don't hear from anybody. They're so lonely; they don't know what to do with themselves," Phyllis told FOX 13.
Take it from Phyllis: if you know someone who might be a little lonely today, give them a call. It could make both your days a little brighter.
"You can hear how much somebody appreciates that you called," explained Phyllis. "I come in and I listen to these people, and by the time I leave, I've got a big smile because I feel like I've done something worthwhile."
Watch the video to see her friendly voice make a difference.