Kids use art to help brighten up Phoenix hospital

Colorful swirls and twirls and mountains and stars line a wall in a construction zone outside the emergency room at Banner University Medical Center.

"It's definitely something better to look at than plywood," Kelly Carlin said.

And that's the point, contractor Kelly Carlin says, because this wall will be here for another year and a half. That's how much longer the remodeling process is going to take, so the hospital decided to get kids involved to help brighten it all up.

"We're painting the mural so we can bring joy to the people who are sick and going into the emergency room,"Deziray Lopez said.

Designed by the kids' art teacher, students full in the outlines of her vision. Dozens of kids from kindergarten through the 8th grade come together to make a difference.

"That makes me feel really good for the people that are sick," one child said.