Phoenix medic travels to Haiti to help in the wake of Hurricane Matthew
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - An earthquake in 2010 destroyed the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, left more than 300,000 lives lost and more than a million people displaced.
Now, Hurricane Matthew hit the same, struggling country last week, killing thousands of Haitians and it's a number that changes by day.
"How much more can they take... how many more hits?" Nick Thompson asked.
It's a question that Phoenix-native and medic Nick Thompson asks himself often, especially after seeing for himself the impact a natural disaster has on a country so impoverished. He toured Haiti three days after the magnitude 7 earthquake hit and saw the tragedy and destruction, but also the hope.
"Even though they had nothing, their whole house was devastated, demolished, and they were still just happy and really positive and just trying to help us out with whatever they could," he said.
Since then, Nick goes back as a United Nations medic multiple times a year and he's even set up the Don Tialavea Foundation with his cousin, collecting donations that are used for medical supplied, food and other necessities for children around the world.
The children of Haiti, now dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, is a scene medics on the ground describe to Nick 2,600 miles away.
"A lot of death right now," he said. "There's about...I think their count is 2,000. Two days ago it was 1,000, now they're up to 2,000. A lot of demolished roads, bridges are out, main bridges to get to the city are out, tons of homes are demolished."
Nick's help is greatly needed as he prepares to take off for Haiti on October 12th. Your help is necessary to keep his mission moving. If you're interested in donating or more information about The Don Tialavea Foundation, head to