Arizona House bill honoring Preston Lord seeks harsh penalties for group assaults
PHOENIX - State lawmakers announcing new legislation on the House floor say the bill will enhance penalties for assault charges involving accomplices.
It was proposed in response to the death of Preston Lord and other acts of violence in the East Valley. Lord was just 16-years-old when he was brutally beaten and died from his injuries.
What's in the bill?
What we know:
His family is backing House Bill 26-11, named after their son, which would enhance penalties for aggravated assault charges if the attack involves two or more accomplices.
What they're saying:
"Preston was a happy, thriving, ambitious teenager with his whole life ahead of him. He is what we are most proud of in this life," said his mother, Autumn Curiel.
Preston Lord: Memorial held on anniversary of teen's violent beating that led to his death
Family, friends and supporters gathered in the East Valley on Oct. 28 for a memorial in honor of Preston Lord who died two days after an attack.
Curiel, Preston's dad and his step-mom stand behind State Representative Matt Gress as he introduces Preston's Law.
"The heartbreaking story of Preston Lord and the actions of the individuals responsible is a stark reminder of the need to strengthen our laws, to protect public safety and ensure accountability," said Gress.
Representative Gress and Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell say this bill targets the growing problem of organized violence and creates a new category of aggravated assault.

State Representative Matt Gress introduces 'Preston's Law' at the Arizona State Legislature.
Felony classification will change to a higher level
Why you should care:
"The proposed legislation adds language to the current law that if you commit an assault and are aided by two or more accomplices, the charge will be a class four felony," said Mitchell.
Mitchell says this also changes the offense from a class six felony to a class four felony.
Dig deeper:
"First of all, a class four felony carries a longer punishment than a class six felony," she said. "Also important is the fact that a class four felony, unlike a class six felony, cannot be returned to a misdemeanor."
'Preston's Law' introduced in state House
House Bill 2611 would enhance penalties for aggravated assault charges if the attack involves two or more accomplices. The bill is named after Preston Lord, an East Valley teen who died after being brutally beaten outside a Halloween party in 2023. Seven suspects have been charged in Lord's death.
Local perspective:
This is one of many ways the Lord family has been honoring their son following a deadly attack at a Halloween party in Queen Creek.
"It's still deeply shocking to think that such a cruel and senseless act was inflicted upon our beloved son. We hope stronger laws can prevent any future devastating things from occurring, ensuring no one else is robbed of their life, potential and vitality," said Curiel.
This bill has a long way to go before it becomes law. The next step is for it to be heard in the Judiciary Committee.