Circle the City patient creates roses from toilet paper, Skittles

Circle the City is a Phoenix-based nonprofit that provides healthcare to the homeless, and there's one patient in particular that's working to bring some smiles to others.

Michael Stone's art is a work in progress - but so is he.

"You do the crime, you pay the time," Stone said. "It's so small, you wouldn't think of it to be five years of your life."

Stone spent five years in prison for drug possession, and while he was locked up, he learned how to make roses out of two unlikely materials: Skittles and toilet paper.

"Don't really know how I came up with the toilet paper [and] Skittles thing," Stone said. "I really don't know. I think there was a gentleman I was in the prison with. I was using paints, I think ... I started out with paints and he said, "Hey, you want some Skittles?' I was like, 'Alright,' because, you know, money and everything."

Years after his release, he found himself homeless and at Circle the City, where he's currently being treated for MRSA. The infection caused him to lose two fingers.

While he was being cared for, he started making the roses again. He used to sell them, but now he just gives them away.