Over 1,700 lbs of meth, fentanyl seized in Phoenix area home: DPS
PHOENIX - Officials with the Arizona Department of Public Safety say a drug bust at a home in the Phoenix area led to the seizure of millions of doses of meth and fentanyl.
The bust, according to DPS, involved a multi-agency task force in Arizona and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Drug bust made after traffic stop
What we know:
Per a statement released on Jan. 29, the drug bust took place on Jan. 27 while officials were serving a search warrant at a home in the Phoenix area.
DPS officials said the search warrant was served following a traffic stop that led to the seizing of 50 pounds of meth.

(Photo Courtesy: Arizona Department of Public Safety)
By the numbers:
DPS said investigators seized:
- 1,609 pounds of meth
- 161 pounds of fentanyl pills, or about 735,000 pills
- 47 pounds of fentanyl powder.
Per DPS, the drugs seized contained over 3 million deadly doses of meth and over 10 million deadly doses of fentanyl powder.
What they're saying:
"The estimated Arizona street value of the drugs is $3,405,300, with its value increasing significantly the further east it is trafficked across the U.S.," read a portion of the statement.