Trump CPAC speech slammed on 'SNL' Weekend Update segment
FOX NEWS -- The "Weekend Update" segment of "Saturday Night Live" took aim at President Trump's two-hour speech, which was delivered earlier in the day at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) outside Washington.
"It started with Trump coming out and hugging the American flag like Lennie from 'Of Mice and Men,'" WU co-anchor Colin Jost said, comparing Trump to a mentally disabled character in the 1937 John Steinbeck novella.
"What the hell was that?" Jost continued. "And then after that patriotic #MeToo moment, it somehow got crazy from there."
Jost quickly cut to a montage of clips from the speech, during which Trump spoke in a Southern drawl to mock former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, referenced what appeared to be Hillary Clinton's emails, said he flew to Iraq after feeling lonely in the White House around Christmastime -- and described a bizarre conversation with a general calling himself "Raisin' Kane."