Congressman Al Green reunites Jose Escobar with his family in Houston

Al Green returned to Houston with his repatriated constituent Jose Escobar and his family on Thursday, he says.

Congressman Green fought tirelessly for two years to reunite Jose with his family by advocating for him in congress, as well as through his visits to El Salvador.

Escobar came to the United States when he was 15 years old. He worked, married, became a father He was deported to El Salvador in 2017 and given a 10-year ban from re-entering the United States.

Congressman Green worked in both the United States and in El Salvador Escobar's return.

"On Thursday, June 6, 2019, I had the bittersweet opportunity of visiting my constituent Jose Escobar in El Salvador for the second time," said Congressman Green. "It was bittersweet because Mr. Escobar should have been at home in Houston with his family, not separated from them in a country he left 18 years ago."

"Today, I am proud and honored to witness this family's dream become a reality," said Congressman Green. "I must thank U.S. Embassy officials in San Salvador, the lawyers for the Escobars, the media, and the activist community for their assistance, as well as every person and entity that aided the Escobar family and me. I am grateful that this day is finally here."

Green says reunions like this are why he was proud to reintroduce H.R. 168 - the Reentry and Reunification Act. He says this bill aims to "reunite deserving families by providing a verified pathway to U.S. citizenship for individuals who have no criminal history, who were deported, and who have a spouse or children who are currently U.S. citizens."