Girl fights off hawk attacking pet Yorkie

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A brush with death for a toy Yorkie after a hawk swooped in and tried to make off with the tiny dog.

Luckily the quick thinking of its owner saved the dog's life.

When Cecilia Celis let Lulu out, she shut the door and looked away. Little did she know something else was watching.

"It waits a little and then it swoops on her," Cecilia described after watching the hawk on her family's home surveillance video.

The video shows a red- tailed hawk dive towards the toy Yorkie.

"It happened so fast. Like we just let them out and the bird swoops in, drags her and is like choking her, it stood on her," Cecilia remembered. "I was yelling at it, get off my dog! Get off my dog!"

The hawk fought with its potential prey before dragging the puppy and hovering over her.

Cecelia ran out in a panic and tried to scare the bird away.

"I was screaming at it the whole time to get off and it wasn't fazed by me. It was just staring at me in the eyes," she said.

So she grabbed a pillow.

"That's the first thing I saw that wouldn't hurt her or the bird," Cecelia said. "It took three, four shots to get it off."

The bird flew away but didn't go very far. The family was able to snap a few pictures of the hawk.

They believe its someone's pet.

"We're still scared because it's still around here," Cecelia said.

As for little Lulu, she's doing better. The hawk clawed her in the neck.

Lulu and her sister Heidi weigh just two pounds each, so Cecelia and her family say from now on, they'll be watching their pups like a hawk.