How quickly do cold germs spread in your workplace?
LOS ANGELES, CA - The change of seasons is in full swing and as the temperatures continue drop your ability to fight a cold might too. University of Arizona researchers have found that when someone is sick in an office, it takes only four hours for surfaces like coffeepot handles, copy machine buttons and the fridge door to show traces of infectious virus. Gross.
Time to prep for the "cold" war. You've experienced the sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, sore or scratchy throat, a possible mild headache, and overall not feeling well in general. But fear not! According to there are some surprising ways to stay healthy.
Make sure to get plenty of protein rich foods throughout the day like fish, eggs and yogurt, because protein strengthens your immune system.
Get a massage - yup that's right, you'll increase your circulation which boosts immunity by nourishing cells with more oxygen and blood.
Lose the booze - alcohol interferes with REM sleep which is the most restorative part of sleep. However, in a pinch, you could use vodka to wash your hands as it is a disinfectant.
If you do get a cold this season don't forget the best part.
Chicken soup. mhhhhmm