Phoenix Police officer helps man who fell out of his wheelchair, melts internet's heart

PHOENIX (FOX 10) -- Shock and outrage sell on social media, but every now and then, we get a story like this one, where someone captures an image of a good deed and then shares it.

"It was the best transition I ever made in life to put on the uniform every day go to work and help other people," said Phoenix Police Officer Christopher Bovert, who began working with the department as a civilian several years ago.

Bovert is a shy, humble officer who decided to help out a man at an intersection earlier in the week, when he noticed the man laying on the hot asphalt, having fallen out of his wheelchair.

"The other citizen helped me out, and we lifted him up in the chair," said Officer Bovert. "It was 97°F, so it was pretty hot outside."

As that happened, someone driving by snapped a photo of the officer wheeling the homeless man to the shade.

"Through previous contacts, he told me he was a veteran and he was homeless and lived around the area," said Officer Bovert.

It was a simple gesture that didn't go unnoticed.

"To be honest, I don't have social media background," said Officer Bovert. "I was just doing my job, and a lot of people told me I did a great job."

"This is not atypical for the Phoenix Police Department," said Phoenix Police Commander Jim Gallagher. "Chris [Bovert] is one of the lucky few who received notice, but this goes on all across the city in precincts every day."