Phoenix approves photo ID cards that will be available to undocumented immigrants

The Phoenix City Council approved a proposal to create a photo ID card that will be available to people who are living here illegally.

The measure has been long debated, mainly due to security concerns.

The proposal passed 5 to 4 after a heated debate at the City Council meeting on August 31st.

The cards would be comparable to an employee badge or bank card and would mainly be used as a second form of identification. It wouldn't replace a driver's license or birth certificate, but could be used for things such as cashing pay checks.

Opponents say the cards are just expensive library cards, while backers say the cards could benefit the homeless and those in the country illegally.

"What I believe this is gonna do is really encourage a better relationship between the constituents and police so that families aren't afraid to call the police if they don't have an ID," said Tony Navarrete of Promise Arizona.

The cards could be issued as early as February.