Phoenix Habitat for Humanity homes built for homeless vets burglarized right before move in

A police investigation in Phoenix is underway after a burglary at two Habitat for Humanity homes that were set to house homeless female veterans.

The crime happened at 57th Avenue and McDowell Road. Ten female veterans were set to move in this week, but now, that deadline will be pushed back.

"Not just the glass is broken, but the door is broken. Being a contractor, I can kind of see the parts and pieces and see the extent of the damage," says Cameron Tall.

He was walking the property of two five-bedroom Habitat for Humanity homes Tuesday morning when he noticed the break-in. Tall says he waited for police before entering, and they discovered many of the things donated or purchased for these homes were stolen.

"Unfortunately they did go through every single room, they opened every single drawer. They took our TVs that were donated through Elks Lodge, our American Legion programs that have been so kind to help us get these homes ready, and unfortunately, a lot of the donations that were given to us were taken," Jennifer Gewarges with the United States Veterans Initiative said.

Electronics, toiletries, towels, blankets, and even snacks, were all wiped from the homes. The 10 women who are ready to live in them, all homeless veterans, will have to wait a few weeks to move in until the repairs can be done, and those items can be replaced.

"The outpouring of support and volunteer effort that went into these homes, it's tough to see somebody attacking that or violating them," Tall remarked.

The women are expected to move in two weeks from now.