Friday marks one year since Tripp Halstead passed away

Friday marks one year since the heartbreaking passing of Tripp Halstead.

The 7-year-old died suddenly on March 15, 2018, more than five years after a tree branch fell on him as he played outside his daycare center in Winder, Georgia. Tripp suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him unable to speak, but those who knew the little boy and his family said he still brought joy to those around him.

Throughout his recovery after the tragic accident, Tripp's family shared all of the ups and downs of their journey through social media, garnering nearly 1.5 million followers on Facebook.

Bill Halstead, Tripp's father, took to Facebook on Thursday to ask all of their followers to share favorite memories of Tripp. He's hoping the memories will put a smile on his wife's face on such a difficult day.

"I'll go first...Mine was of a night when Stacy and I were going out on a date and we had brought Tripp over to Mimi and Bobo's house," he recalled. "We were getting ready to leave and as all women always force us guys to do, Stacy forced me against my will (j/k) to get a picture taken of us in front of the fireplace. As we're standing there smiling all we both here is this faint voice say 'cheese.' We look down and there was Tripp photobombing us! I loved it, it was so funny and sweet, just like him!"

MORE: Tripp Halstead passes away at age 7