GOP Vice Presidential Nominee Mike Pence visits Mesa

Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Mike Pence urged Arizona voters to keep the state red at a rally in Mesa.

Pence hit on key issues in the now battleground state, including Obamacare and illegal immigration.

"The fact that people of Arizona are facing an average increase in Obamacare premiums of 116 percent," Pence said. "They have an opportunity now to electing Donald Trump, someone who will repeal Obamacare and replace it with health care reform that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government.

Cheers came from the crowd as Pence talked about the FBI's announcement of reopening the case into Hillary Clinton's emails.

"In Hillary Clinton, they have someone who is committed to open borders, has spoken about that when traveling around the world," Pence said. "Donald Trump will end illegal immigration."

In recent days, Pence has said politics for the Clintons are nothing more than personal enrichment and his supporters agree.

"While corporations were contributing and governments were contributing to the Clinton's private family foundation, many of those same companies were lobbying the state department while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State," he said. "I think the American people are tired of the pay-to-play politics. It's been characteristic of the Clintons' entire career."