New data shows deadly teen-involved crashes on the rise

A scary statistic by the Governor's Safety Association show that teen-involved deadly crashes last year rose by 10 percent.

It's no surprise that navigating these roads is especially dangerous as a new driver.

"You have the fact that lower gas prices mean more teens are on the roads spending more time driving, so that's going to result in teens involved in more crashes," said Michelle Donati of AAA.

AAA of Arizona representative Michelle Donati says that's on top of the fact that teens have been raised in a world filled with technology.

If constant connectivity is something they're accustomed to then what can be done to keep them safe?

"We found that 9-in-10 Arizonans say they support a mobile device ban for teen drivers during the first six months of having a license," Donati said.

It's unclear if that issue will pop up in our next legislative session, but an obvious option now is putting soon-to-be drivers in classes.

A simulator at Driving MBA in Scottsdale shows just how difficult it is to text and drive. It's a silly way to teach an important lesson, as car crashes remain the leading cause of death for teens.

AAA asked more than 140 driving instructors for the top three mistakes teens make on the roads: Speeding, poor visual scanning and you guessed it, distracted driving.