Phoenix Zoo traps non local turtles

Arizona Game and Fish workers held an annual turtle trapping at the Phoenix Zoo to help control their numbers. It's the 11th year that this event has taken place.

"It's a mark for capture study so we mark the males and release them back in that way the public gets the see turtles when we come back to the zoo. The females go to the Arizona Herpetological Society where they're adopted out for a small fee and that keeps the population under control," said Brad Pointer.

The hunt began looking for non-native turtle species, in an effort to separate them.

Turtles are the most endangered vertebrates in the world. The event allows people to enjoy seeing the male turtles at the zoo, while adopting the females as pets.

"We've found animals from Brazil, from Asia, its not just U.S. species. So people are really seeing pets that are too large or too hard to take care of in the waterways. It's fun on our end that we get to see different species," said

Over the years they've trapped 864 animals for the program and will continue to trap turtles all weekend.