Valley mom makes plea for the burglar who stole her baby's ashes

A valley mother is heartbroken after her baby's ashes were stolen during a burglary.

The thieves took the ashes, but left the silver box that stored them behind.

Alyssa Ruiz returned home to find it had been ransacked and some items stolen, but the worst of it was when she found the silver keepsake box open and upside down.

The box had her son's name, birth date and a message engraved on it, and contained his ashes in a sealed bag. They were gone.

"It's my child somewhere.. so I'm hoping the people will just feed bad.. they can come at 3 in the morning and just put it by my door.. whatever.. I just want it back," said Ruiz.

Ruiz lives in the Estancia Del Sol apartment complex near 39th Avenue and Camelback Road. She says she won't ask any questions in return for the ashes.

Next month marks the eighth anniversary of her son's passing.