3 pedestrians survive being struck in Oakland crosswalk

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Surveillance video shows a truly frightening collision where three pedestrians were hit by a car in an Oakland crosswalk. Neighbors are now demanding changes.

The three people survived but all of them were badly hurt. The crash happened last Wednesday and was captured on surveillance cameras at a nearby Filipino restaurant located at Fruitvale and Brookdale avenues. The victims and the restaurant owner say they want better traffic controls in the area.

The speed limit here is supposed to be 25 miles per hour, but neighbors say drivers often go much faster than that. The horrific video shows the accident where two young women and a five-year-old boy were struck were seriously injured.

"Before I knew it, I saw the lights flash before me. I remember the car hitting me.I was the first one to wake up," said Carla Mendoza. The 18-year-old said she saw her 20-year-old cousin Jackie and her five-year-old brother laying on the ground both unconscious.

"I almost thought they didn't make it," Carla said. "It was pretty horrible."

Carla says they had just gotten off a bus to go home after taking a trip to the supermarket to buy ice cream. She says they were about halfway through the crosswalk when they saw a grey car approaching.

"It was pretty far that if you were the driver, you would stop" Carla said.

The 18-year-old has a broken pelvis, broken leg and multiple bruises and cuts. Karla's little brother Jonathan remains in the hospital. He suffers from a spinal chord injury and is paralyzed. His mom says the boy may be in the hospital for up to a year. It's unknown if he'll be able to walk again.

"Taking my little brother out and not being able to protect him, that's very scary for me," Carla said.

"I honestly thought I was dead when I was on the floor," said Jackie Velasquez. "I thought I was gone."

Jackie, Carla's cousin, can be seen on the ground to the left of the car in the video. She has undergone surgery for chest injuries and also suffers from broken ribs.

She's thankful to be alive.

"Death was so close, but it's not your time yet. You still have a long way to go," said Jackie.

The owner of Lucy Three Seven restaurant says there's been three incidents in the four years he's been here where vehicles have struck pedestrians.

He blames it on speeding drivers and people on their cell phones. He wants the city to install traffic controls at that intersection.

"People are always in a hurry, people need to slow down," said Mark Legaspi owner of Lucky Three Seven.

"I'm scared it might happen again. Some drivers just don't stop. They're distracted or something," said Carla.

There is one stop sign at the end of Brookdale and no other traffic controls.

City Council member Noel Gallo, who represents this district says this crash will hopefully get flashing lights for the crosswalk and traffic signals to be installed. He says it appears the man responsible is an unlicensed driver but it's unclear what has happened to him.

A gofundme has been set up for the victims' medical expenses.