35 Phoenix students take part in virtual choir performance

Amid the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, Sunnyslope High School in Phoenix launched a virtual choir.

The project is a way to bring more music into people's lives and give students the chance to perform together once again since their school is closed during the pandemic.

For many students at the high school, music is what’s getting them through these challenging times.

“Missed out in a lot of choir traditions, I know it was the hardest thing for me," said Stellar, a student.

Choir Director, Tamara Krause, wanted to make sure her students were able to find some relief during dark times. 

"The process became having our online classes, I gave them practice tracks, they would come to the online class and I would play through the parts with them and sing it for them, but they had to do a lot of working on their own," Krause said.

Before students went on spring break, Krause said she had already decided on a graduation song for the seniors. She selected “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkle.

“I knew that song was a great song for graduation for our seniors because it is about being together and helping each other through as things progress. I just knew that we need to keep this song and try to make it work," Krause explained.

Krause decided she would have those who wanted to, to make a video of themselves singing the song. She then produced a video that included all 35 students who participated, some of them were graduating seniors. 

Lex, one of Krause's students, said, “The way Ms. Krause went about it, I really appreciated the hard work and hard work she put into it."

You can watch the video here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qKPVNQDKzf0