Bee swarm attacks residents, pets in Florence

A swarm of bees attacked residents and pets in Florence, leaving at least three dogs dead Wednesday afternoon.

It's a tragic reminder that as temperatures warm, the bees come out, and an attack can be deadly for humans and animals alike.

"There were bees everywhere, thousands, literally thousands," said Jeff Reel, whose dog died in the attack.

In the neighborhood, dead bees can now been seen everywhere on the ground.

"I got here, I found my dog at the fire truck, the fire department had hosed him down, and I picked him up and took him to a veterinarian," said Jeff Reel.

Gizmo, Reel's dog, did not make it. Neither did two dogs next door where the bees originated.

Jennifer Ferrin's son was outside when it happened.

"They were all over my son; my son was screaming," said Jennifer Ferrin.

Firefighters were called to the scene; they attacked the hive on Ferrin's roof with foam.

Ferrin believes the bees are the more aggressive Africanized "Killer" bees. Her landlord says they are exterminating all the remaining bees.

Still, Ferrin says she is devastated.

"None of my children want to go home, all four of them are bawling, absolutely bawling," she said.

For Reel, it's a tragic lesson.

"When you see a problem in your home, please don't hesitate, please take action, because these dogs that were killed yesterday very well could have been children," said Reel.

The Florence Fire Chief says they haven't had a bee attack this bad all year. He said if you notice a bee problem, call a professional immediately.

If it's an emergency, and the bees are attacking, you should call 9-1-1.