Doug Ducey sworn in as Arizona governor

It's Inauguration Day at the Arizona State Capitol as Doug Ducey is sworn in as Arizona's 23rd Governor. He's facing some serious challenges including a budget shortfall and an unresolved lawsuit over school funding.

At Noon Doug Ducey became Arizona's 23rd Governor and hinted at his first big task, balancing the state's budget.

"Fair warning, the budget will not be met with general approval among special interests," said Governor Doug Ducey.

The state faces a large budget shortfall, and the new Governor appears to be ready to make cuts.

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"It will be said that the state has already found all the savings that can be found, cut every line item that can be cut, and now with every option exhausted it is for the people to pay for the shortfall with higher taxes, and I will reply not on our watch," he said.

Education is also a major subject on the Governor's inaugural speech. He didn't offer specifics, but promised major changes in Arizona's schools.

"It will be a first principle of my agenda that schools and choices are available to affluent parents must be available to all parents, whatever their means, wherever they live, period," said Ducey.

The Governor didn't waste any time, within an hour of his inauguration he signed an executive order stopping any new rulemaking by state agencies unless the rules meet certain criteria.

"It is not for the state to guarantee success, but we can promise, and I do, that this state is on the side of your success," he said.