Police officer to donate profits from Friday's fight to 100 Club of Arizona

PHOENIX (KSAZ) -- A local MMA fighter who is also a police officer is stepping into the ring, in an effort to help his brothers and sisters in blue.

"I joined a gym and started training I picked it up, and you know, never looked back," said Ryan Shell. He has been fighting since he was 18, but since moving to Arizona two years ago, he has been out of the cage.

"Everyone's pretty eager for me to get back in the cage," said Shell. "Most people don't know me as the fighter. They just know me as the police officer. So, everyone is interested to see, you know, what I bring to the table."

Shell will be stepping back into the cage on Friday, fighting for more than just a win. Shell said he will be donating his earnings to the 100 Club of Arizona, an organization that supports first responders and their families, after tragic events.

"I don't fight for the money," said Shell. "Like I said, I fight to be competitive. I was 21 and 5 as an amateur, so I took 26 fights not getting paid a dime, so, I've always had a career that provides for my family, so all the additional income from fighting doesn't matter to me. I'd rather it go to a good cause."

Shell's fight will be at Comerica Theatre, but but before he puts the gloves back on, Shell has a message for those watching him for the first time.

"I know my opponent is tough, but I think they should expect me to win," said Shell.