5-year-old boy gets 'Storm Trooper' prosthetic hand

A 5-year-old Valley boy who's a huge Star Wars fan is now a real-life Storm Trooper because of his brand new custom prosthetic hand.

Jacob Taggart is now testing out the custom hand, which resembles the arm of one of his favorite characters, a Star Wars stormtrooper. Jacob was born with only a thumb and one finger on his right hand, which limited his ability to do certain things, like playing on the swings with his friends.

"He was sensitive to the fact that people would comment about it and he didn't know what to say, and we came up with a standard statement that he was born this way," said Jacob's mother, Linda.

Thanks to the More Foundation, Jacob is now able to get a better grip on his scooter and baseball bat. More Foundation's Executive Director, Marc Jacobsky, has been working with a term for a whole year to create the prosthetic hands, which was made with 3D printers.

Jacofsky said it is important to give prosthetics to children who need them as early as possible, so they get the maximum benefit. Meanwhile, Linda is thankful to the foundation for the gift.

"I'm just so grateful that we got involved in this, and it's going to help him out so much," said Linda.

More Foundation