APS trading floor: How brokers bargain for best power rates
PHOENIX (FOX 10) - The Valley is seeing its first 100-degree day of the year today and we know the more it heats up, the more energy we use to keep us cool.
Electric company APS says they plan for days like these all year.
"We are constantly managing on a 24 by seven basis the amount of usage from our customers and being able to look at the market place," Kent Walter said.
Behind the scenes, the trading floor is seen as APS' "bargain hunters," working around the clock to make sure customers are paying the lowest price possible for their energy.
"We have a power desk, a markets desk and a gas desk," Walter said. "The power desk watches the load, watches the market and makes decisions. The markets desk then makes sure we've optimized with our own resources to be able to most affordably serve our customers with broader resources from all the marketplace. We have a gas desk that makes sure we have a very reliable fuel supply, so that when it's really hot, we remain safe, reliable and affordable for our customers."
So customers can save more on their electric bill as temperatures continue to spike up.