Arizona Dept. of Health Services: Flu cases lower than last year at this time

PHOENIX -- 2017 was a really bad flu season across the country, especially in Arizona, but things are looking a little better in 2018.

The Arizona Department of Health Services says that the current season is well below last year's numbers at this time, but it's still well above the five-year average.

There were some fears last month that we would see another bad season, with some earlier than usual cases, but in its most recent weekly report, AZDHS says the cumulative total of cases so far this season is 235. At this point last season, there were 389 cases.

The five-year average is 129 cases.

For the week that ended November 10, there were 62 lab confirmed cases. That's compared with 130 the same week a year ago, and the five-year average for that week is 43.

So there are still more cases than we'd like to see. Experts are suggesting people take the easy approach to prevent to flu, such as washing your hands, cover your coughs and stay home from work or school if you are sick.

AZDHS recommends that everyone get their flu shot. We're told this year's vaccine is much more effective against the flu strains that are being seen.

Arizona Dept. of Health Services
2018-2019 Influenza Season report