Arizona teen beats cancer, celebrates end of treatment 1 year after diagnosis

MESA, Ariz. (FOX 10) -- And just like that, one chapter ends and a new one begins. It was a year ago when Kannon Riecks was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma.

"I was in shock.. I was confused.. I didn't know what was happening," said Kannon.

It's a rare type of cancer that forms in the bones or soft tissue around the bones. The disease is most common amongst children and young adults.

"Less than 200 to 300 children are actually diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma every year. It's probably like 10 cases in the entire United States," explained Dr. Naresh Reddivalla of Banner Health - Cardon Children's Medical Center.

Riecks was one of the few, however, Dr. Reddivalla and his team worked around the clock to treat him. And after a year, the emotional 16-year-old is now cancer-free.

"You guys are all the generals.. fighting the war and with the hard work and the love you help bring.. Kannon was able to help kick cancer's butt," said his father.

As a gesture of appreciation, the Riecks decorated the family's cricket bat and gifted it to Dr. Reddivalla.

"I'm just beyond lucky to have all the people on my side during this journey to help me get through this," said Kannon.

Kannon says he's excited to get back into his normal routine, hang out with friends and play sports.