Arpaio contempt of court hearing wraps up until June

The last day of the contempt of court hearing against Sheriff Joe Arpaio wrapped up until it resumes in June.

MCSO's Chief Deputy was on the stand, revealing more about claims of an investigation into the judge's wife.

The Chief Deputy told the judge he was aware of the hiring of a private investigator, but said the judge's wife was never directly investigated.

The details came at the end of another long day of testimony.

Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan was questioned by the American Civil Liberties Union attorneys. He was asked about his leadership at the Sheriff's Office in the years since the judge's ruling ordering sweeping changes.

Their attorney played a clip from a briefing with deputies, where Sheridan talks about the judge's ruling.

"I am sorry you have to do this, I wish we didn't have to waste our time doing this, but it is a necessary evil to fix this," said Sheridan on a video recording.

In court, Sheridan called that "not his proudest moment" and "the number one regret of his career."

Growing frustrated with missing documents in the case, the judge took a long break Friday morning and ordered MCSO's attorneys to gather up documents he asked for more than a month ago. The judge said, "I am not going to put up with this anymore."

Under oath, Sheridan also revealed more about the claims of an investigation into the judge's wife. Sheridan told the judge a Facebook tipster wrote to the Sheriff saying "The judge's wife told her that the judge hates the sheriff and wants to see him out of office."

Sheridan says then MCSO attorney Tim Casey hired a private investigator. Casey was in the courtroom with his attorney.

"He is mindful of both his ethical duties to his former clients, as well as to be candid with this court. He looks forward to a full airing of this matter and is fully convinced that when this happens he will be found to not have been involved in any investigation into Judge Snow or his family," said attorney Karen Clark.

The Chief Deputy also said the private investigator spoke to the tipster, her husband, and son who were all at the restaurant in the east valley in an effort to verify her claim. According to Sheridan, it did not go further than that.

Friday was the last day of testimony in the contempt case until June, sometime after that Judge Snow will determine the Sheriff's punishment.