Briefcase with precious family photos found, man looking for its owner

You've heard the saying "finders, keepers," but in this case, the man who found a briefcase is trying to find its owner.

A wedding album, family photos and class pictures dating back to the 1970s were found, all precious memories lying outside of a briefcase in an alley near 1st Avenue and Fillmore Street.

Dan Senatore stumbled upon the treasure Wednesday, and the photos appeared to have been rummaged through and soaked after Tuesday's rain in Phoenix. So he decided to do something about it.

Senatore got the word out on social media. "We're very fortunate to have Facebook and Twitter and smartphones and to be able to carry memories with us wherever we go. Some people don't have that. Some people have just have their Polaroids, black and white photos of who can be their grandpa, or their child when they were young," he said.

If you have any information on who the briefcase may belong to, contact Dan Senatore.