Cacophony reigns in Phoenix, as groups for and against Trump's border policy protest

As controversy mounts over the policy of separating undocumented migrant families, there was a noisy pair of demonstrations, by supporters and opponents of Trump's border policy, raged in Phoenix on Wednesday.

Members of Patriot Movement Arizona chanted "go home!" during their protest, while a much larger crowd of people chanted "shame on you!"

"Illegals have no rights in this country," said Jennifer Harrison with Patriot Movement Arizona. "When you come to this country and enter it illegally, you are a criminal. When you commit a crime with your children, you are detained and your children are detained separately. We don't get to take our children to jail if we commit a crime in this country."

"The right thing is to keep families together and to treat people with dignity and respect love and compassion," said one person.

"I cannot imagine coming to this country for to keep child safe for better life and having that child taken away," said Raquel Teran.

Trump opponents collected teddy bears to distribute to migrant kids held in federal detention in Arizona, as Trump supporters shouted "build the wall". In all, it was A lot of shouting at each other; very little speaking to each other.