New Chandler ordinance allows residents to raise chicken in their backyard, with some rules

Keeping chicken in backyards is now legal in Chandler, after the East Valley city adopted a new city ordinance on the issue.

Under the new rule, homeowners on single family lows can have up to five hens. No roosters are allowed. A coop will have to be set five feet from any property line. Meanwhile, coops and chickens will have to be kept in the backyard or sideyard, but not the front yard.

Homeowner associations will have the ability to set their own rules.

Some voiced opposition to ordinance

During the city council meeting on Dec. 5, some voiced their opposition to the proposal.

"Most of us bought our homes here over the past 10-15 years as residential property. What we're winding up finding is that the city is now turning our residential property into agricultural property, which is not what we intended for our homes," says Les Minkus.

He was one of the first to take the podium at a council meeting, with a long list of reasons he opposes the backyard chicken ordinance.

"Their daily lives would be affected by noise, odor, molting chickens with feathers flying over, chickens flying over 6 to 7 feet walls. Predators that would be attacking chickens would also be a danger to small pets and to children," Minkus said.

Ultimately, members of the Chandler City Council voted 5-2 to adopt the new ordinance. The new ordinance took effect on Jan. 5.