Dress for Success: Nonprofit provides women with professional attire - virtually

Nonproft Dress for Success Phoenix was forced to close because of the pandemic, but has slowly found a way to offer services once again, even though the boutique remains closed.

The new normal at Dress for Success Phoenix involves clients picking up clothing to wear for an interview or new job.

"When the pandemic hit, we were in shock wondering what to do," said founder Lisa Doromal. "We took all the precautionary steps and we closed our boutique -- we all went home to quarantine but our services didn't stop."

Doromal says some services were provided virtually, but the boutique where women normally shop in-person is closed - the nonprofit, however, has found a way to pivot with one tool: the style card.

"What's on the style card is your height, your weight and your body style," said Doromal. "The woman takes a picture of herself, which is awesome."

Clients fill out a profile card online. Staff and volunteers pick out the shoes, dress, suit - whatever is needed and best matches the information provided.

"The clients come by, they park in our parking lot, and we provide them with their clothing," Doromal explained. "Whether it's for an interview or the week's worth, and we put it in their trunk."

If an item doesn't fit, a client can simply bring it back and exchange it.

"Women were so excited and continue to be excited, because these are very difficult times," said the Dress for Success owner. "If you are unemployed and youre leery about going to the stores, or if you dont have enough money to shop, you come to Dress for Success and we will provide you with professional attire for your new job or for that upcoming inteview."

Check out the website here: https://phoenix.dressforsuccess.org/