Governor Doug Ducey speaks out following President Donald Trump's rally in Phoenix
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - While Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R-AZ) did not attend President Donald Trump's rally Tuesday night, he did meet with Trump, as well as Vice President Mike Pence, before the rally.
On Wednesday, Gov. Ducey said overall, he's happy with the way the event turned out, and praised the Phoenix Police Department for keeping things safe Tuesday night.
"Our law enforcement officers in this state, and the assets we have at a federal level to a state and county level and the city level. These are people who work together, and they were able to pull off a big event with very little incident," said Gov. Ducey.
Ducey says he was not surprised Trump chose to make a stop in the Valley.
"I believe he was back in the Valley to thank the state for success in the campaign," said Gov. Ducey. "He was here seven times over the last 18 months, so it's a trip that's been planned, and I think -- you saw the speech, he wanted to communicate what has been going on in the administration, what misinformation has been out there, and he took the time not only to speak to the state, but to the country and he achieved that too."
Leading up to the rally, there was speculation that Trump would pardon former Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of criminal contempt. That led to worries of violent protests.
Ducey said he's happy Trump decided to skip any potential pardon, while he was in Arizona.
"I'm thankful that we had a peaceful evening," said Gov. Ducey. "Let's see what happens there. Sounds like there's more to follow."
Gov. Ducey also touched on the opioid crisis, and said he agrees with Trump that it's a national emergency, and he's been working closely with him to help Arizona, implemented things like reporting real time cases and deaths linked to the drug.
In addition, the Governor also talked about the hot button issue of removing Confederate statues. He said it's not his vision to tear any monument down, but if people think it's the thing to do, they need to go through the proper steps and proper way of trying to achieve that.