Group's work led to arrest of man accused of trying to have sex with a minor

PHOENIX (KSAZ) -- A man accused of trying to have sexual relations with a minor is arrested, but the investigation leading up to his arrest wasn't done by police.

Rather, it was done by a group called "Truckers Against Predators". The group identifies and interacts with potential sexual predators, and they work on cases all over the United States. Currently, they are actively working on 30 cases in Arizona. They have rules and regulations to follow, but their end goal is to get predators off the streets.

Organizer says it's risky and dangerous but worth it.

"You wouldn't believe how trying and terrible it is, monsters sending our kids," said Anthony Greene, who started TAP.

Greene is motivated to catch predators, because he has a 12-year-old daughter to protect, and he's also a survivor of this sort of attack. Greene said it took only three hours this Wednesday, as one of their decoy's posted for dates online in the Buckeye area. Greene says Miguel Guerrero, 25, answered the posting and continued talking to the decoy after she stated she was 14 years old.

Greene says Guerrero sent three naked pictures of himself to the teen, who was really the decoy. The two planned to meet up at a QT, and then Uber back to her house.

"We have a decoy named Erin," said Greene. "She is 30 but she sounds 12, and so, she calls them and verifies that the decoy is real, and she sets up a meeting place at whatever truck stop I'm meeting at."

Greene arrived at the QT, and saw Guerrero ride up on a skateboard. Before approaching the suspect, however, Greene saw a DPS trooper walk into the store. So, Greene went to the trooper first.

Greene says if he has to, he will appear in court.

What the group does is legal, amd Greene said the group and Arizona law enforcement works very well together to get predators where they belong.

In jail.