Keeping Arizona kids safe: September is National Baby Safety Month

There are approximately 14,000 kids in foster care in the state, and Arizona Helping Hands makes sure the needs of those kids are taken care of and that they're safe.

"Arizona Helping Hands is the largest provider of basic needs to children in the foster care system throughout the state of Arizona," said Dan Shufelt, president and CEO of the organization.

"Those children need a fresh start, they need that safety, and that's what we're here to do," said Shufelt.

They provide all the necessities to make sure kids are taken care of, and safety is their biggest concern.

"A foster parent that just recieved that call, saying, "There's a baby at Phoenix Children's Hospital who needs your love and support" -- [that parent] can come to us and know that that child will have a crib to sleep on tonight," Shufelt said.

Since September is National Baby Safety Month, they're placing posters on all the cribs they ship out with reminded on infant sleep safety.

According to the Dept. of Child Safety, a baby in Arizona dies every five days from suffocation due to co-sleeping or bed sharing.

So far this year, Arizona Helping Hands has given out 400 cribs - all this message, a simple reminder to save a life.

How to help their cause: