MCACC needs your help keeping animals cool this summer

One way that Vinny gets relief in this weather is by taking a quick dip in one of the pools at Maricopa County's shelter.

Ice, piled up, so dogs can cool down helps, too.

The ice wagon, donating about two tons of it, is for dogs to lap it up through the weekend, but spokeswoman Melissa Gable says this isn't all that they need.

"Cooling vests, cooling bandanas, cooling mats, fans that we can clip on their kennels," she said.

All of it, from you, for the hundreds of county animals braving the temps with hundreds more expected to make the shelters their home during the hottest months of the summer.

"We're using a lot of these items on the elderly dogs, first and foremost, the overweight dogs, those dogs that suffer a little extra from the hot weather, so our focus is to draw attention to those dogs first," she said. "Anything left over we then share with all of the other dogs."

If you'd like to help, Maricopa County Animals Care and Control has made it easy for you by putting together a list of all the things they need via

For more information, click here.