PD: Cooler weather prompting increase in crime, home burglaries

Does cooler weather play a role in crime here in the Valley?

Cooler temperatures are making the weather so much more enjoyable, so much so, that some residents may crack open the windows and even doors to let some of that cool air inside. 

Phoenix Police say, however, that's not such a great idea. 

"This the greatest time of year to live in Arizona, the temperatures are going down so we want people to get out, get to know your neighbors and enjoy the outdoors but don't leave things unlocked and unattended," said Sgt. Jamie Rothschild, with Silent Witness. 

With a change in the weather comes a shift in neighborhood crimes. Phoenix residents say they are being more vigilant this year. 

"I'm extra cautious so I would never leave my door open at night," said Amber Zoellner, Phoenix resident. 

Private property and home burglaries are increasing. Sergeant Jamie Rothschild with Silent Witness says it's the winter season, especially, where burglars are looking for opportunities. 

"Whether it be your vehicle or your home or your garage door open or your windows if you just take those extra simple seconds to secure those to make sure you and your family are and your items are safe then we'll all be in a better place," said Rothschild. 

Locking the easiest points of entry to your home and vehicle is the best way to avoid being a victim. 

"Know what's in your home so if something is taken you can accurately report that to the police with vin numbers, serial numbers. that will all really help us out," said Rothschild.