Phoenix-area nanny agency offering families in-person or online education

While the back to school debate rages, parents are looking for solutions that won't disrupt their child’s learning this school year  during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Valley nanny agency is working to help parents and students in Arizona during the difficult transition period.

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In March, the kitchen table suddenly became a school desk and it was a rough transition for many students and their parents.

"Early in the spring we saw parents really struggling with trying to simultaneously educate their kids and work so that's when we decided to really explore in-home educating," said Rosalind Prather, cofounder of Trusting Connections Nanny Agency.

She says the agency now offers in-home or online classroom instruction for families. Cost varies and families can split the cost if they do share class sessions.

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"If you want a private educator, someone who has two years of teaching experience, or is a state-certified teacher, that's going to be more. If they use our employees, they're looking at about $30 an hour in the Phoenix area," Prather explained.

The idea is catching on and trusting connections is now hiring teachers, Prather said. "So if there are teachers that are afraid to be back in the classroom or may be out of a job because schools are closing, we are definitely hiring."