Poison Control: Watch out for baby rattlesnakes

It's hard to miss the adult rattlesnakes, their rattle is unmistakable, but it's the baby rattlers that are sometimes referred to as invisible snakes.

"You could be standing right next to a rattlesnake and not even know it," said Dr. Daniel Brooks.

Dr. Brooks with Banner University Medical Center's Poison Control says when rattlesnakes are babies they easily blend in with the desert landscape and their rattles don't make noise.

"Even if they wanted to warn you that you are stepping near or on them, they can't do that, and the snakes are born where from time zero they are poisonous," said Dr. Brooks.

So far poison control has seen more than 140 rattlesnake bites, most come from people who work outside, or hikers.

"Stay away, that's the best shot you're going to have," said Shamaree Anderson.

"I would be scared because you know baby rattlesnakes when they bite, they don't know how much poison they put on you," said Yuma Ramirez.

If you're out on the trails and get bit, don't bother with ice, and definitely don't use a tourniquet.

"It actually makes things worse and can cause tissue damage to the arm or leg, never put a tourniquet, and don't put ice, it doesn't help. The best thing to do is get to the emergency department," said Dr. Brooks.