South Mountain hiker in extremely critical condition after he was found unconscious

A hiker was hospitalized in extremely critical condition after being flown off South Mountain Saturday afternoon.

Rescuers say the 54-year-old man was found on Holbert Trail and was seven minutes from the trailhead when they found him.

The man was unconscious and not breathing. The cause of his health problems are unclear, but temperatures at the time reached 110 degrees.

Hiking safety tips

  • Avoid drinking the night before, or drinking coffee in the morning.
  • Wear the proper gear: footwear, hats, sunglasses
  • Bring a fully charged phone and hike with someone
  • Hydrate before, during and after a hike
  • Pick a cooler time of day
  • If you're hiking alone, tell someone where you're going
  • Know your limitations
  • Stay on the trail

Preventing heat exhaustion/heat stroke

The Arizona Department of Health Services stated the following precautions can be taken to prevent heat exhaustion or heat stroke:

  • Stay in air-conditioned buildings
  • Limit outdoor activity during the hottest part of the day (mid-day)
  • Check on at-risk friends, family, and neighbors at least twice a day
  • Drink water before, during, and after working or exercising outside

Take a Hike. Do it Right campaign:

More heat resources:

Heat relief stations: