Student activists return to Arizona State Capitol for gun laws, school safety issues

PHOENIX (KSAZ) -- Student activists are back at the Arizona State Capitol, calling for stricter gun laws and more ways to keep schools safe. They also are trying to track down Governor Doug Ducey.

The students from March For Our Lives say they've been ignored by Gov. Ducey for the past six months, when their organization started. Now, they gave him an invitation.

The activists hand-delivered a letter, inviting Gov. Ducey to their Governor's Town Hall next week, where they have invited all of the candidates in this year's Governor's race to talk gun law and school safety changes

"Your lack of legislative action has left every child in Arizona susceptible to the inevitable gun violence," said Jacob Martinez with March For Our Lives Arizona, reading a portion of the letter they sent to Gov. Ducey. "Aside from a failure to enact policy, you have refused to even acknowledge March For Our Lives Arizona in the past six months."

Meanwhile, the Governor's Office says the governor has scheduling conflict the day of the town hall, but did release this statement.

"Just as he did during the legislative session, Governor Ducey is traveling Arizona, talking about his safe schools plan. He will continue to do so. It's a common-sense plan to make our schools more secure that includes more school resource officers, mental health counselors and cops on campus, and it's time to get it passed."

The forum the activists invited Gov. Ducey to is set for Tuesday, August 14.